Yifei Kong

Jun 08, 2017

学习 redis 的基础命令

basically, redis is a data structure server

string list set sorted set hash

key related

keys <pattern>  list all keys share the pattern
exists key  
del key 
expire key expiration   
expireat key timestamp  
ttl key 
rename key  
type key    

string related

set key value   set mystr "hello world"
setex key timeout value set key with expiration
setnx key value set only not exist
get key -> value    get mystr
getset key new -> old   get old and set new
setrange key offset value   
getrange key start end  returns the value, inclusive
mget key... returns a list of values
incr key    mynum
decr key    mynum
incrby key value    mynum
decrby key value    mynum


hmset key f v ...   store kv pair in hash
hgetall key 
hdel key f  
hexists key f   
hkeys key   
hlen key    
hvals key   


list is implemented as a double-linked list

lpush key value1 value2 value3   lpushx only pushes if not exist
lpop key    
rpoplpush src dst   
blpop key... timeout    block until one value is avaliable
lindex key index    
llen key    
lrange key start end    inclusive
linsert key     
lrem key count value    
lset key index value    
ltrim key start end 


to get all elements with lrange: use lrange KYE 0 -1






rank is which place the value ranked by score in the zset.

add and remove cookies

zadd KEY SCORE MEMBER           # add a value to a zset
zincrby KEY SCORE MEMBER        # increment the member's score NOTE redis-py implements wrongly
zrem KEY MEMBER...              # remove a value from zset
zremrangebyrank KEY START STOP  # removes all values in the set within the give index
zremrangebyscore KEY MIN MAX    # removes all values in the set within the given scores

get zset stats

this is zismember command, just use zscore KEY MEMBER is None to check

zcard KEY                       # get the number of elements in a zset
zcount KEY MIN MAX              # count the members in a sorted set with scores within the given scores
zrank KEY MEMBER                # get the index of member in zset
zrevrank KEY MEMBER             # the reverse index of member
zscore KEY MEMBER               # get the score of member in zset

read member(s)

zrange KEY START END            # a range of members by index
zrevrange KEY START END         # a range of memvers by index, sorted from high to low
zrangebyscore KEY MIN MAX       # a range of members within given scores
zrevrangebyscore KEY MAX MIN    # a range of members within given scores, from max to min

set manipulation