Yifei Kong

Jun 18, 2018

tmux cheatsheet

if you use set mouse off, then you could use system mark and copy, or if you are in Mac, you could use Option + Mouse Select


C-b         发送 Ctrl-b 按键
C-z         暂停(suspend) tmux 客户端


!           把当前分区独立出来作为单独的窗口
"           横向分隔,变成上线两个分区
%           纵向分隔,变成左右两个分区
&           关闭当前窗口(window),也就是所有的分区                    
.           Prompt for an index to move the current window.
c           创建一个新窗口
x           关闭当前分区(pane)
{           Swap the current pane with the previous pane.
}           Swap the current pane with the next pane.
C-o         Rotate the panes in the current window forwards.
M-o         Rotate the panes in the current window backwards.
C-Up, C-Down
C-Left, C-Right
            Resize the current pane in steps of one cell.
M-Up, M-Down
M-Left, M-Right
            Resize the current pane in steps of five cells.
M-1 to M-5  Arrange panes in one of the five preset layouts: even-horizontal, even-vertical, main-horizontal, main-vertical, or tiled.
Space       Arrange the current window in the next preset layout.
M-n         Move to the next window with a bell or activity marker.
M-p         Move to the previous window with a bell or activity marker.

copy and paste

#           List all paste buffers.
-           Delete the most recently copied buffer of text.
=           Choose which buffer to paste interactively from a list.
[           Enter copy mode to copy text or view the history.
]           Paste the most recently copied buffer of text.
Page Up     Enter copy mode and scroll one page up.


$           Rename the current session.
,           Rename the current window.


'           Prompt for a window index to select.
(           Switch the attached client to the previous session.
)           Switch the attached client to the next session.
0 to 9      Select windows 0 to 9.
l           Move to the previously selected window. remapped to \
n           Change to the next window.
o           Select the next pane in the current window.
p           Change to the previous window.
s           Select a new session for the attached client interactively.
w           Choose the current window interactively.
;           Move to the previously active pane.


:           Enter the tmux command prompt.
?           List all key bindings.
D           Choose a client to detach.
L           Switch the attached client back to the last session.        
d           Detach the current client.
f           Prompt to search for text in open windows.
i           Display some information about the current window.
q           Briefly display pane indexes.
r           Force redraw of the attached client.
m           Mark the current pane (see select-pane -m).
M           Clear the marked pane.
t           Show the time
z           Toggle zoom state of the current pane.
           ~           Show previous messages from tmux, if any.

           Up, Down
           Left, Right
                       Change to the pane above, below, to the left, or to the right of the current pane.


还有一个类似 tmux 的命令 dtach,不过后来没怎么用了,笔记还是留在这里。

dtach is used to detach and attach to a session.

dtach works with a session file, and can detach and attach to a session, but it has no functionality of terminal multiplexing.

Formula dtach [mode] [session_file] [options] [command]

dtach modes are -a attach, -A attach or create, -c creates a new session and attach, -n creates without attach.