Yifei Kong

Jun 04, 2018

爬虫利器 Chrome Headless 和 Puppeteer 最佳实践


browserless 已经运行了200万次的 chrome headless 请求,下面是他们总结出来的最佳实践:


无头 Chrome 占用的大量资源

无论如何,只要可以的话,不要运行无头浏览器。特别是千万别在你跑其他应用的服务器上跑。无头浏览器的行为难以预测,对资源占用非常多,就像是 Rick and Morty 里面的 Meseeks(美国动画片《瑞克和莫蒂》中,召唤出了过多的 Meseeks 导致出了大问题)。几乎所有你想通过浏览器用的事情(比如说运行 JavaScript)都可以使用简单的 Linux 工具来实现。Cheerio 和其他的库提供了优雅的 Node API 来实现 HTTP 请求和采集等需求。


import cheerio from 'cheerio';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';

async function getPrice(url) {
    const res = await fetch(url);
    const html = await res.test();
    const $ = cheerio.load(html);
    return $('buy-now.price').text();



  1. Don't run a headless browser when you don't need to 二、不要在不需要的时候运行无头浏览器

We've ran into numerous users that attempt to keep the browser open, even when not in use, so that it's always available for connections. While this might be a good strategy to help expedite session launch it'll only end in misery after a few hours. This is largely because browsers like to cache stuff and slowly eat more memory. Any time you're not actively using the browser, close it!


import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';

async function run() {
    const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
    const page = await browser.newPage();

    await page.goto('https://www.example.com/');

    // More stuff ...page.click() page.type()

    browser.close(); // <- Always do this!

At browserless we generally try to cover this error internally by always having some kind of session-timer, and closing the browser whenever the WebSocket is disconnected. However, if you're not using the service or the backing docker image, then be sure that something is closing the browser, otherwise you'll have a pretty awful time debugging the issue when you're paged in the middle of the night.

在 browserless,我们会给每个会话设置一个定时器,而且在WebSocket链接关闭的时候关闭浏览器。但是如果你使用自己独立的浏览器的话,记得一定要关闭浏览器,否则你很可能在半夜还要陷入恶心的调试中。

三、 page.evaluate 是你的好朋友

puppeteer has a lot of cool sugar methods that let you do things like save DOM selectors or more in the Node runtime. While this is of great convenience, you can easily shoot yourself in the foot if something happens on the page that mutates that DOM node in some fashion. As much as it feels "hacky" it's actualy just better to all your browser-side work in the context of the browser. This generally means loading up page.evaulate with all the work that needs to be done.

Puppeteer 有一些很酷的语法糖,比如可以保存 DOM 选择器等等东西到 Node 运行时中。尽管这很方便,但是当有脚本在变换 DOM 节点的时候很可能坑你一把。尽管看起来有一些 hacky,但是最好还是在浏览器中运行浏览器这边的工作。也就是说使用 page.evaluate 来操作。

For instance, instead of doing something like this (which has 3 async actions):

比如,不要使用下面这种方法(使用了三个 async 动作):

const $anchor = await page.$('a.buy-now');
const link = await $anchor.getProperty('href');
await $anchor.click();

return link;

这样做,使用了一个 async 动作:

await page.evaluate(() => {
    const $anchor = document.querySelector('a.buy-now');
    const text = $anchor.href;

The other pro about doing it in an evaluate call is that it's portable: meaning you can run this code inside of a browser to test versus trying to rewrite the Node code. Of course, you should always use the debugger where possible to shorten development time.

A quick rule-of-thumb is to count the number of await's or then's happening in your code and if there's more than one then you're probably better off running the code inside a page.evaluate call. The reason here is that all async actions have to go back-and-forth between Node's runtime and the browser's, which means all the JSON serialization and deserializiation. While it's not a huge amount of parsing (since it's all backed by WebSockets) it still is taking up time that could better be spent doing something else.

另外的好处是这样做是可移植的:也就是说你可以在浏览器中运行这个代码来测试下是不是需要重写你的 node 代码。当然,能用调试器调试的时候还是用调试器来缩短开发时间。

最重要的规则就是数一下你是用的 await 的数量,如果超过 1 了,那么说明你最好把代码写在 page.evaluate 中。原因在于,所有的 async 函数都必须在 Node 和 浏览器直接传来传去,也就是需要不停地 json 序列化和反序列化。尽管这些解析成本也不是很高(有 WebSocket 支持),但是总还是要花费时间的。


Since we've determined that it's not good to run a browser, and that we should only run one when absolutely necessary, the next best-practice is to run only one session through each browser. While you actually might save some overhead by parallelizing work through pages, if one page crashes it can bring down the entire browser with it. That, plus each page isn't guaranteed to be totally clean (cookies and storage might bleed-through as seen here).

上面我们已经说过尽量不要使用浏览器,而且只在需要的时候才打开浏览器,下面的这条最佳实践是——在一个浏览器中只使用一个会话。尽管通过页面来并行化可能会给你省下一些时间,如果一个页面崩溃了,可能会把整个浏览器都带翻车。而且,每个页面都不能保证是完全干净的(cookies 和存储可能会互相渗透)。

Instead of this:


import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';

// Launch one browser and capture the promise
const launch = puppeteer.launch();

const runJob = async (url) {
    // Re-use the browser here
    const browser = await launch;
    const page = await browser.newPage();
    await page.goto(url);
    const title = await page.title();


    return title;


import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';

const runJob = async (url) {
    // Launch a clean browser for every "job"
    const browser = puppeteer.launch();
    const page = await browser.newPage();
    await page.goto(url);
    const title = await page.title();


    return title;

Each new browser instance gets a clean --user-data-dir (unless otherwise specified), which means it's treated as a fresh session entirely. If Chrome crashes for whatever reason, it won't bring down any other sessions that are happening as well.

每一个新的浏览器实例都会得到一个干净的 --user-data-dir (除非你手工设定)。也就是说会是一个完全新的会话。如果 Chrome 崩溃了,也不会吧其他的会话一起干掉。


browserless 的一个核心功能是无缝限制并行和使用队列。也就是说消费程序可以直接使用 puppeteer.connect 而不需要自己实现一个队列。这避免了大量的问题,大部分是太多的 Chrome 实例杀掉了你的应用的可用资源。

The best, and easiest way, is to pull our docker image and run it with the parameters you'd like:

最好也最简单的方法是使用 browserless 提供的镜像:

# Pull in Puppeteer@1.4.0 support
$ docker pull browserless/chrome:release-puppeteer-1.4.0
$ docker run -e "MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS=10" browserless/chrome:release-puppeteer-1.4.0

This limits the number of concurrent requests that can run to 10 (including debug sessions and more). You can also configure how much you'd like to queue as well with the MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH variable. As a general rule, you can typically run roughly 10 concurrent requests per GB of memory. CPU usage can spike for various things, but for the most part you'll need lots and lots of RAM.

上面限制了并发连接数到10,还可以使用MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH来配置队列的长度。总体来说,每1GB内存可以并行运行10个请求。CPU 有时候会占用过多,但是总的来说瓶颈还是在内存上。

六、不要忘记 page.waitForNavigation

如果点击了链接之后,需要使用 page.waitForNavigation 来等待页面加载。


await page.goto('https://example.com');
await page.click('a');
const title = await page.title();


await page.goto('https://example.com');
await page.waitForNavigation();
const title = await page.title();

七、使用 docker 来管理 Chrome

Chrome 除了浏览之外,还会有好多的莫名其妙的线程,所以最好使用 docker 来管理