Yifei Kong

Jul 27, 2017

make 和 premake


target: dependencies(sepreated by spaces)
    command(s) to run to build the target from dependencies

Basic usage

in most projects, we have a .h file for functiont interfaces, and the whole program depends on it. typically, all .o files are compiled from corresponding .c source files

cc = gcc              # marco
prom = calc
deps = calc.h         # the one .h to rule them all
obj = main.o getch.o getop.o stack.o
$(prom): $(obj)
    $(CC) -o $(prom) $(obj)
%.o: %.c $(deps)      #pattern rule, which means all .o depends on all .c and $(deps)
    $(CC) -c $< -o $@ # $< means the depender and $@ means the dependee


we can make the file even smarter by using makefile funcions Makefile function syntax $(func params)

cc = gcc
prom = calc
deps = $(shell find ./ -name "*.h") # find all header files using the builtin shell function
src = $(shell find ./ -name "*.c")
obj = $(src:%.c=%.o) 
$(prom): $(obj)
    $(CC) -o $(prom) $(obj)
%.o: %.c $(deps)
    $(CC) -c $< -o $@
clean:                              # empty target to run a commnad
    rm -rf $(obj) $(prom)




Autotools is a collection of three tools:

  1. autoconf — This is used to generate the “configure” shell script. As I mentioned earlier, this is the script that analyzes your system at compile-time. For example, does your system use “cc” or “gcc” as the C compiler?
  2. automake — This is used to generate Makefiles. It uses information provided by Autoconf. For example, if your system has “gcc”, it will use “gcc” in the Makefile. Or, if it finds “cc” instead, will use “cc” in the Makefile.
  3. libtool — This is used to create shared libraries, platform-independently.
$ autoscan                    #--> creates `autoscan.scan` file
$ mv autoscan.scan to `autoscan.ac` file
$ autoconf                    # --> use autoconf.ac to create `configure` file
# we need a `makefile.in` as the template for configure file to use
$ automake                    # --> use `makefile.in` to create `makefile`
$ autoheader                  # --> generate `config.h.in`
$ ./configure                 # --> generate the makefile and config.h
$ make && make install        # horry!

To be continued at: http://markuskimius.wikidot.com/programming:tut:autotools:5

premake 基本用法

premake 可以生成makefile premake gmake 生成的 makefile 支持 make 默认构建 make help 查看帮助文件 make config=release 按照 release 构建 make clean 清除构建 make config=release clean 清除 release 构建

premake5脚本的名字是 premake5.lua, 本质上就是一个 lua 脚本, 每一行都是一个函数调用, 因为参数恰好是字符串或者 table, 所以可以省略括号

-- premake5.lua
workspace "HelloWorld"
   configurations { "Debug", "Release" }
project "HelloWorld"
   kind "ConsoleApp"
   language "C"
   targetdir "bin/%{cfg.buildcfg}"
files { "**.h", "**.c" }
filter "configurations:Debug"
      defines { "DEBUG" }
      flags { "Symbols" }
filter "configurations:Release"
      defines { "NDEBUG" }
      optimize "On"


workspace   相当于 vs 的 solution   
project project 
kind     指定编译目标类型   ConsoleApp WindowedApp    SharedLib StaticLib     
location     指定编译目标目录   
define   定义常量   
files   添加文件    文件名 *.ext **.ext
removefiles  屏蔽文件   
links   链接库 
libdirs 添加库目录   
configurations  指定不同的编译选项   需要通过 filter {"configurations:<name>"} 指定具体选项
platforms    指定不同的平台    和 vs 的 platform 类似, 但是也需要使用 filter 定义
includedirs 添加 include 目录   
optimize     设置优化选项  Off On
buildoptions    编译选项    比如-std=c99


作用范围会发生继承, 使用 workspce '*' 或者 project '*'代表选中了所有workspace 或者 project

premake install

newaction {
   trigger     = "install",
   description = "Install the software",
   execute = function ()
      -- copy files, etc. here